Saturday, April 15, 2017

BEMANI figures and plushies 2017

For the past years, I have been collecting video games, from BEMANI music game line to other game genres such as Metal Gear and Gundam. For years, which I moved on from other game genres and concentrate on BEMANI games. While I am in the stage of collecting video games, I am also collecting figures from BEMANI games but in minimal. You can see on my previous post years ago where my figures are in small amounts. KONAMI used to create their own figures and toys a decade ago, but now, Eikoh, (plush and figure maker in Japan) takes over.

My BEMANI figures and plushies in a small cabinet.
Today, I have collected almost a dozen of figures and plushies in almost every BEMANI games, from beatmaniaIIDX to Reflec beat (DDR dolls are kept in a container because they are taller). Catching up to the oldest to the latest figures available. Some of the figures are bought in local conventions and local Japan surplus, some are pasalubongs from Japan, and some bought from Ebay. Although, collecting figures and plushies are sometimes expensive. Almost the same price as used BEMANI video game but, once you have it, it's all worth it!

Because of cramped space, some Pastel-kuns and Sumire are on top of big Pastel-kuns

A Pastel-kun pillow in my bed.
 Right now, I' am having problems with space, as I don't have a good set of cabinet where I could display them. They are underneath our shared cramped glass cabinet. Wishing that I can find a tall glass cabinet.

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