Monday, April 29, 2013

PSX. Old and expensive.

   Last January 2013, Sony announced the discontinuation of the PlayStation 2 console. Finally closing the sixth generation of video game consoles. During the lifespan of PS2, there is a home appliance that had a PlayStation capabilities, they called it "PSX".

  "PSX" or the PlayStation X is multimedia device equipped with PlayStation 2's hardware, were you play music, watch videos, internet, watch and record footages directly from your Television screens. However, this home appliance is too expensive and a few units were sold in Japan and never make it outside the region. Also, the first Sony device to have the XMB (Xross Media Bar) interface.

                                                         (PSX DESR-5100)

   The PSX I have is a used DESR-5100 with 160GB of HDD. Fortunately, I managed to grab a good working unit. Although I bought it without the bundled remote controller, PS2 Dualshock 2 controller can be use to navigate the system. The first thing I did is to install the HDD games that I have such as the beatmaniaIIDX 5th style and GITADORA! GUITARFREAKS 4thMIX & drummania 3rdMIX. This recent week, I asked my friend to come over to help me format the console. After the resetting and formatting the console, he plugged the Ethernet and surprisingly, the Sony PlayStation 2 server is still up, but the contents is already outdated for almost 5 years.

   This multimedia console becomes very rare and still expensive today. It cost around more than $400.00 in Ebay, more expensive than the current PlayStation 3 system. For some it's a waste of money for buying an old system but for some game collector's it's worth it.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My BEMANI Collections!

   I have been playing BEMANI music games since I was in elementary and it has become a habit for me play in arcades and at home.

   I started to collect my authentic copies during my college years. My first game that I bought is a used Playstation version of DanceDanceRevolution 3rdMIX, since then collecting music games became my passion.

   Searching for these items is very difficult to find here in the Philippines. I have to look for a Japanese thrift shops within the capital or in nearby cities. Prices range from 50.00Php to 2,000Php or more depending on the physical condition of the item but asking for a lower price is possible.

   I bought my games from Ebay or from our local online shops and sometimes trades from other video game collectors. Currently, I have 56 BEMANI music game software's from different consoles and I'm continuously adding more.

(My BEMANI Softwares in different consoles)

   While I'm collecting video games software's, collecting controllers is simultaneously necessary to purchase in order to play it appropriately. For example, beatmania game needs a beatmania or beatmaniaIIDX controller, because using the consoles' standard controller will give difficult gameplay. Though, there are some music games that the console controller can be use, such as DDR and the 5 or 7 buttons mode of pop'n music. The most expensive controller that I bought are the Arcade Style Controllers. I made an entry about ASC on my previous post .Click here.

(My BEMANI controllers)

   Aside from collecting video game and it's controllers, I also collect it's merchandises. Such Artbooks, Soundtracks, Figures etc.. Some of them are complete and loose items.

(My BEMANI merchandises)

   Collecting these things is a guilty pleasure for me, that sometimes almost half of my salary is allotted for collecting. Despite of that, I really love collecting. (^^)V!

                                                       THANK YOU FOR PLAYING!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Arcade style for home gaming

pop'n music and GuitarFreaks Arcade style controllers

I have been playing in the arcades for the longest time and I really enjoy playing with my friends every time we hang out. Every time I hang out, I usually mingle to a Music/Rhythm simulation games such as DDR, IIDX and GFDM to name a few. What if you are at home and you want to play your fave music games and the home style controller is not giving you an arcade like gaming?

From 2000 to 2006, Konami released Arcade Style Controllers (ASC) for DanceDanceRevolution, pop'n music,beatmaniaIIDX and GuitarFreaks. DrumMania also have an arcade style controller but It was created by YAMAHA called "DTXplorer" and compatible with the later console versions of the game. These Arcade Style Controllers are for PlayStation 1/2 consoles. Though, compatible with the Arcade HD Rips connecting it to the PS2 to USB Adapter.

In my collection, I have a pop'n music (co-owned) and GuitarFreaks Arcade style. They really improvised arcade like gaming because these controllers have almost the same dimensions of the controllers used in the arcades and you can . However, an arcade like experience has a hefty price, an arcade style cost more than 10,000 Php that excludes shipping, customs and taxes.

Konami ceased making console versions of the game and these controllers are not compatible with the current PlayStation 3 console. Despite of that, It's still a good collector's item.