Sunday, February 4, 2018

New BEMANI figs!

Last Wednesday, I went to the Makati Central Post Office to get my parcel which I bought from eBay last December 2017. It took almost 40 days to send me a postal notice. Waiting time in the releasing section took me almost an hour, it used to be a speedy section, but now, so slow!

beatmaniaIIDX's Iroha Umegiri, SOUND VOLTEX's Tsumabaki Left, Kanade, and Tsumabaki Right.
Anyways, the item was character figures from the video game beatmaniaIIDX and SOUND VOLTEX, both a BEMANI game franchise. I bought used Iroha and Tsumabaki Left and unopened Kanade and Tsumabaki Right.

Out of the box!

The Pugyutto figures are made from Eikoh, while the Iroha are made from KONAMI. In all, it cost me around $23.00 plus shipping. I guess it would be better if I send my purchase item thru EMS. I do hope it will not end up picking it up at the Central Mailing Exchange near the airport.